Hoje de manhã, J.K Rowling estava presa no aeroporto e decidiu olhar as fantasias de Halloween temáticas de Harry Potter no Twitter. Resultado: ela deu RT em vários.
Stuck at foggy airport, so I'm looking at your Hallowe'en photos…
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) October 31, 2016
Veja só as fantasias aprovadas pela autora das histórias:
Harry e Hermione
Este comensal da morte.
@jk_rowling so a Death eater, a house elf, and a wizard walk into a bar… pic.twitter.com/k2xz3j9mxa
— Sydney Wright (@SydneyyWrightt) October 30, 2016
Um mix de Harry, Ron e Hermione.
@jk_rowling my combination of being, Harry, Ron and Hermione pic.twitter.com/9N1lf5wyLv
— Lisa Cannon (@LisaCannon_) October 31, 2016
E esta Dolores Umbridge.
@jk_rowling @HarryPotterFilm Dolores Umbridge and a Death Eater
Chique demais.
Hey @jk_rowling, what do you think about my uniform for halloween ?
E esse alunos da Sonserina.
Hiii @jk_rowling – we are a little squad of slytherin' students
Bellatrix Lestrange.
Since you're looking at pics: work told us to dress as monsters so I said I was Bellatrix at Hogwarts
Sucessora de Draco Malfoy.
I think I'm a worthy successor of Draco Malfoy, am I? @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/W5VmtNAMlN
— Meri
Cheio dos efeitos.
this was my costume and a little bit of light effects @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/SVUZ3ZxkZb
— arthur (@bankspeidona) October 31, 2016
Olha essas abóboras.
@jk_rowling as if it being Halloween needs as excuse for a costume.. This years pumpkins are pretty magic though
Cosplay é coisa séria.
Next year, I'm doing full Harry Potter Halloween cosplay, this time, as a Death Eater @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/vAIszxNCeX
— Keziah (@dangert0society) October 31, 2016
Harry e Hermione versão mini.
@jk_rowling our sweet Harry and hermione
No Brasil também.
@jk_rowling I was at the mall and I found Harry, Ron and Hermione. #CursedChild finally came to Brazil in Portuguese.
— Sérgio Vianna
@jk_rowling Costumé en Tom Jedusor pour un moyen métrage sur le passé de Voldemort ! pic.twitter.com/Li52vQbPcl
— Anakin (@Anakinmyheart) October 31, 2016
@jk_rowling my cousin dressed up as prof mcgonagall.do you agree she pulled it off? pic.twitter.com/93bkmMGeIN
— Haze_inthemembrane (@trouvecharmante) October 31, 2016
Happy Pottering!!! @jk_rowling my favourite costumes!! pic.twitter.com/3g2Kqf0poi
— Gerlando Passarello (@JerryPassarello) October 30, 2016
Have been reading The Philosopher's Stone to the boy. This is how he has chosen to go to preschool today! @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/OfhykOB6LP
— Rebecca (@rjmarshall_4) October 31, 2016
We got to see Cursed Child dressed like this yesterday :D @jk_rowling @HPPlayLDN #HappyHalloween pic.twitter.com/FxwXfYWcC0
— Paige (@wonderkid_100) October 31, 2016
At the wizard themed fireworks at the weekend my son was channelling his best #HarryPotter pic.twitter.com/6QbuxXqhda
— Claire Guckian TT (@ClaireLGuckian) October 31, 2016
At work as Tom Riddle #harrypotter @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/oyp1G1UKgr
— Ryan lee Hollis (@RyanLeeHollis) October 31, 2016
I just want @jk_rowling to see that I dressed as her for my costume… it would be a Halloween miracle.
— Kaitlyn (@kaitdoesthedont) October 30, 2016
I want to be Ginny everyday.
#Weasley pic.twitter.com/QIY3H1tAnh
— Paige (@paigeleighannne) October 30, 2016
Que penses tu de mon costume d'Halloween ? @jk_rowling xx pic.twitter.com/eJPZrnF7K7
— M J-6 (@lumosonstyles) October 31, 2016
@jk_rowling I'm death Eater for this halloween pic.twitter.com/Ij3fRa5M7U
— Clark (@KhalOfSteel) October 31, 2016
@jk_rowling The dementors are breeding on Halloween? Well, enjoy this picture of me looking more evil than any other time in my life. pic.twitter.com/P9lQdvJeBD
— Kaki Olsen (@KakiOlsenBooks) October 31, 2016
Tried to look like Quirrell on this Halloween. Hope that it has worked during the lections. @jk_rowling pic.twitter.com/GdTuZn7BGP
— George Callis (@georgecallis) October 31, 2016
@jk_rowling I'm friends with Nearly Headless Nick, although he is a bit of a pain the neck. pic.twitter.com/z2ZEqyOJtA
— Tom Swanston (@tomswanston) October 31, 2016
@jk_rowling have you seen Ed Sheeran's costume? pic.twitter.com/FYTLFgCC4v
— Cαrmen
(@_ThestraI) October 31, 2016
Essa fotógrafa transformou Harry Potter em um bruxo sexy